December, 2016, Cork, Ireland.
The CAOS Camera invention has been selected by The International Optical Society (OSA) and the LaserFocus World Magazine as a 2016 breakthrough in the field of imaging. Each year OSA highlights these world-wide breakthrough innovations in optics and photonics in its year end December issue of its OPN Magazine. OPN’s Optics in 2016 Special Issue will carry an article by Professor Nabeel Riza describing his CAOS camera invention. It is the 7th time that an innovation from the Riza lab has been selected by the OSA as a worldwide breakthrough innovation. Previous selections include: No moving parts axial scanning confocal microscope (Optics in 2008), Variable attenuator for fast response high optical power applications (Optics in 2002), High Speed Multiwavelength MEMS Fiber-Optic Attenuator (Optics in 1999), High Speed Multiwavelength Photonic Switch (Optics in 1998), High Speed Scanning Interferometer for Scientific & Industrial Applications (Optics in 1997), and Photonic Signal Processing for Biomedical and Industrial Ultrasonic Probes (Optics in 1996).
LaserFocus World Magazine selected the CAOS Camera amongst its top 20 innovations of 2016 (No.8 in the list).
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