Nabeel Agha Riza Presented the 2019 Edwin H. Land Medal at IS&T CIC27, Sorbonne Univ., Paris, France.
Oct.25, 2019. Nabeel Agha Riza, Chair Professor of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, University College Cork, Ireland was presented the 2019 Edwin H. Land Medal at the IS&T 27th Color and Imaging (CIC) International Conference held at Sorbonne University Paris, Oct.25, 2019. The Land Medal is jointly awarded by the International Optical Society OSA and the International Society for Imaging Science & Technology IS&T. The medal is awarded to an individual who personifies Edwin H. Land as a world class inventor, scientist, entrepreneur and teacher, whose contributions impact society. Edwin H. Land was the inventor of the plastic sheet polarizer, polaroid camera, holding 537 patents. He was founder of Polaroid Corporation. Former Edwin Land Medal winners include two Physics Nobel Prize winners for the CCD camera innovation. Prof. Riza’s Land Medal citation reads: “for inventing and commercializing pioneering macro- and micro-scale imaging techniques across RF and optical wavelengths, as well as the education and mentoring of distinguished scientists and engineers.”
The see a glimpse of the medal ceremony, please see the video below: